If you work with the Deaf in your area, we want to share as many resources as possible in order to help make you effective.
Technology - Smart Phone Apps
Use readily available technology apps
(Otter and Live Transcribe)
Live Transcribe is free on Android, but required a fee on iPhone. Otter is free on both.
Microsoft Word - Dictate
If you use Microsoft Office 365 on your PC, MS Word - Dictate is another excellent tool that will live transcribe voice into printed text. This can be very effective for helping deaf understand things in a conference room or office type environment. If also provides a permanent record of the conversation.
YouTube Resources
Most of our YouTube resources are used somewhere in our courses or on this website; however, you are welcome to brouse our YouTube channels to look for things that you need. The following outline/links may be helpful in finding things that you need or are interested in.